People always ask me how I have such long hair and nails. Even hair stylists and my neurosurgeons have remarked on my freakishly quick-growing hair that can go from bald to short bob in a year’s time.
I will tell you my #1 beauty secret for getting results like mine: It’s a “green” multivitamin! It’s called “Perfect Multi Super Greens by Purity Products. It has sooooo many ingredients - super fruits & vegetables, vitamins & minerals - to contribute to your overall health.
To be honest, the reason I first found this product was that I was looking for something to supplement my diet because I know I don’t eat as much green, leafy vegetables as I could or I should. A couple of years ago, those supplemental veggie powders came out you could drink…and I just couldn’t stomach them. Even if the taste wasn’t super strong, the greenish tinge would turn my banana smoothie was really off-putting.
For the record, it’s not that I despise the taste of veggies. I happen to like salads, steamed broccoli and cooked spinach. I just tend to buy them and forget about them, and leave them rotting in my fridge.
Anyway, you know at Mermaid Aloha, we love a good a time saver! This super pill is packed with so many things that would take so much more time to swallow each kind of individual supplement. That being said, the serving size is 4 pills a day because the capsule is blended with so many special aspects of nutrition.
Because the bottle is pricey (about $36 for 120 is supposed to last a month), I stretch it out by taking only one or two a day.
I get the most hair and nail growth when I pair this product with powdered collagen in my coffee. The biotin in the green pills + collagen will make your nails in strong daggers! That being said, some people report more pimples when they take biotin supplements. This is because the cell renewal in your skin is happening so fast, pores tend to get clogged more easily.
In addition to the basic components of a multivitamin, it also has an anti-aging section (Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, CoEnzyme Q10, bioflavonoids, etc) biotin, rosemary & silica for hair and nail strength, Fiber (Inositol, Papain)plus a probiotic for digestion, Gingko Biloba for concentration/focus, garlic for immunity…plus, look at all those fruits & veggies! Why wouldn’t you want to take this 2x a day?!
Now, I’ve tried other biotin gummies…One, in a shapely pink bottle - ugh, I just couldn’t stand the flavor and eventually gave them away. Conversely, I loveddd the taste of SugarBear hair blue gummie bears chews that once were all over IG. However, they are super expensive for what they are, yummy as they are.
Even my mom, who is super negative about most things in life, loves this product and requests I order for her. We both think it kinds of rounds out one’s diet so it helps curb craving with all its micronutrients.
As always, fruit and veggies in fresh, pure form is best - but this is better than nothing!